The Family Villa Program is a Permanent Supportive Housing program which houses 26 families. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the County of Fresno. The program is designed to permanently house homeless families with at least one applicant experiencing a disability and homelessness (per HUD’s definition of disability and homelessness).
Program Philosophy & Services
The goal of the program is to provide a safe and stable home environment, provide life skills classes (Parenting, Budgeting, Money Management,Case Management and Transportation Assistance) and other supportive services that are designed to help foster stability, independence and to keep families from returning to homelessness.
Referrals to the program will be screened by program personnel for eligibility prior to acceptance. Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health has primary referring privileges. County-places residents may be required to participate in a County program.
Office: 1475 E. Bulldog Lane #109 Fresno, CA 93710
Hours: [8 am-10 pm Mon-Fri] [9 am-2 pm Sat & Sun]
Phone: (559) 276-3934
Fresno County Department of Behavior Health Contracted Program Information