Golden State BOP
The Federal Bureau of Prisons
It is the mission of the Federal Bureau of Prisons to protect society by confining residents in the controlled environments of prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and appropriately secure, and that provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens.
Our programs function as centers of training for living. Productive lives can result from proper training and example. The success of the Agency is directly related to the training, counsel, example and leadership provided. To the extent the Agency has personnel of good character and high qualifications, who model justice, self-control, generosity, honesty, respect for the law, loyalty and hard work, these qualities can be passed on to the people we serve. We have high expectations of staff and participants and encourage both to continue learning. We want to model good character for the people we serve and also provide the example of positive growth and change.
Recreation/ Leisure
The program encourages fitness, weight and cardio equipment is available. On-going jogging passes are also available. The day room offers games and books.
Drug Abuse Programs
On site for RDAP residents- Groups are conducted on a weekly basis. Currently via video due to Pandemic. Residents are encouraged to attend community –based support groups.
Other Programs/ Groups
Life Skills/Transitional Group is also held weekly for residents who are not enrolled in other groups.
Resident Elect
A resident is elected by their peers to bring concerns, ideas to Key staff during monthly meetings.
Religious Passes
It is the goal of the facility to assist residents in all aspects of reentry into the community and when possibly reunification with family. One aspect of this goal is the support of residents in the practice of his/her religious beliefs.
A Religious Pass may be requested by a resident to attend a site of Religious Practice in accordance with the “religious practices as exercised prior to confinement”. The site must be a recognized site of Religious Practice
Rodney’s biggest regret when he went to prison was that he wouldn’t be around to protect and guide his little brother, Mikey. When Rodney was given the option to go to Golden State, it was his chance to see his little brother again because the staff there encouraged family to visit. Mikey visited Rodney several times a week. At first it was hard for Rodney to ask for help from staff but it was knowing that he had to be a role model for his little brother that kept him moving forward and making progress. Eventually Rodney was released to Home Confinement and he served the remainder of his sentence at home with Mikey. He still walks his brother home each day from school and Mikey is proud that he helped his brother get his life together.
The program encourages and supports all residents having regular contact with family, friends and other parties supportive of their goals.
Turning Point Residential Re-Entry program is located at 3545 S. Golden State Blvd. in Fresno, CA. The facility is co-ed and houses 40 inmates. While also providing supervision to 20+ residents on Home Confinement by way of Ankle Monitor GPS services.
The facility houses 1-3 inmates per room depending on size of the unit.
Full Laundry Facility
Onsite Computer lab /Resource Job Lead Bulletin
3545 S. Golden State Blvd.
Fresno, CA 93725
(559) 334-6414