This Reentry Center is a 76-bed facility. Turning Point contracts with the California Department of Corrections and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to operate this reentry center for men. It is located in the southern end of Fresno close to many potential places of employment for residents.

  • The Fresno Reentry Center program seeks to facilitate a healthy and successful transition to self-sufficient community living for each resident. Each resident has an individual program plan with gainful employment as a top priority. Opportunities and privileges offered are contingent on satisfactory conduct and progress toward completion of goals in the program plan. Other goals include:

    Achieving financial stability

    Establishing a savings account

    Involvement in constructive and lawful leisure-time activity

  • Services AvailableThe following services are available at the Fresno Reentry Center and through community resource referrals:

    Food and shelter

    Job placement

    Reestablishment of family ties

    Medical and dental services

    Individual and family counseling

    Drug and alcohol abuse counseling

    Mental health services

    Legal assistance

    Vocational evaluation and counseling

    Bible studies and Christian counseling

    Special speakers and presentationsItem description



Michael Spicer,
The Outzen-Spicer Group
4974 N. Fresno St. Suite 181
Fresno, CA  93726

email:  cwospicer@gmail.com


Individuals in the State system are referred through their Institutional Counselors.

Chris was on probation and needed a place to live where he wouldn't be drawn back into the gang lifestyle. He lived in Fresno his whole life and so much of the city was a reminder of the life he wanted to leave behind. His probation officer reminded him that he would have to change his thinking if he hoped to make a new life for himself. He chose to stay at Belgravia so he could serve his probation and learn new ways of making money and spending his time. He finished his probation in the Fall of 2021 and moved out to his own apartment. He kept up with his AA meetings and has been sober ever since.


Fresno County Department of Behavior Health Contracted Program Information