The Kennemer Facility is a contract provider of services for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. We focus on aiding recovering residents to become economically and personally adjusted to employment of their choice and to a life free of substance abuse. Private clients are also accepted.
Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services
License Number: 150013BN
Expiration Date: 1/31/2025
The Male Community Reentry Program (MCRP) is located at the Ken Kennemer Center in Bakersfield, California. The Kern-MCRP helps inmates successfully reenter the community by allowing eligible inmates, committed to a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) institution, to serve the end of their sentence in the community in lieu of confinement at a CDCR institution. The MCRP is designed to provide, or arrange linkage to a range of community-based, rehabilitative services that assist with substance use disorder treatment, mental health care, medical care, employment, education, housing, family reunification, and social support. The Kern MCRP helps participants successfully reenter the community from prison and focuses on reducing institutional recidivism. All levels of eligible inmates who have up to twenty-four months, but no less than 30 days of their State prison sentence remaining, may volunteer for placement. Inmates determined eligible for placement are reviewed by the Institutional Classification Committee and, if approved for placement, referred to the Classification Staff Representative for endorsement. All inmates are subjected to mandatory electronic monitoring.
MCRP Program
Certified Drug and Alcohol classes
Continuum of care
In class and video psycho educational groups
Individual sessions
Participation in self-help services
Family reunification and development
Social service activities
Recreational activities
Community activities
Job development
Vocational skills and orientation
Referrals to the program can be made through the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation or other appropriate agencies.
Individuals considered CDCR inmates that are returning to Kern County, or those eligible for Westcare Specialized Treatment for Optimized Treatment (STOP) and can benefit from residential substance use disorder (SUD) treatment.
S.T.O.P. Program
The Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming (STOP) at the Ken Kennemer Center is a long term (90-180 day), intensive inpatient, residential drug treatment program instituted through California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The focus is to assist male parolees on active supervision, whose lives have become negatively impacted by a cycle of (AOD) alcohol and/or drug-related addictions as well as assessing the criminal history of recidivism through cognitive behavioral therapy and evidence-based counseling & treatment. The goals, objectives, and action steps in treatment are to provide comprehensive, pervasive, and personalized behavioral healthcare, that leads residents to a life free of substance abuse, while assisting each resident in breaking the cycle of institutional recidivism in their personal lives. We strive to provide a compassionate, structured, and supportive living environment for our residents. The ultimate goal is for the individual to achieve long lasting sobriety while enjoying a life of integrity, spirituality, dignity and purpose.
1100 Union Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93307
Phone: (661) 861-6111