This licensed residential facility is a cooperative effort between Turning Point of Central California, Inc. and Tri-County Regional Center. This therapeutic home is available to clients eligible for Regional Center services who are between the ages of 7 and 17. The home can serve up to 4 kids (2 of which could potentially be non-ambulatory) who have an intellectual disability, and most likely a co-occurring mental health issue.  This home is designed to decrease maladaptive behaviors, and increase more adaptive, and socially appropriate behaviors. The program’s focus is on positive reinforcement, social integration into the community, and an emphasis on teaching age appropriate life skills youth need to maximize independence as they reach young adult hood. Transition planning is key and on-going in order to support the youth as they reach adulthood to be successful in the “adult” environment they transition into. This home offers a highly structured setting where kids have a predictable environment in order to make the necessary changes.


Services Available in the homes include, but are not limited to:

Person-Centered Planning and Individual Support Plans: Each client served is an individual, with unique experiences, backgrounds, goals, education and circles of support. Our goal at Turning Point is to create a plan with the youth and their circle of support that bests supports them and will meet their needs tailored to their anticipated outcome of placement. In order to provide the youth served with the best outcome, Turning Point offers the following:

24-hour on site supervision

Behavior Specialist

Psychiatric Services

Mental Health Services

Medication Reviews

Positive Reinforcement

Enriched staffing to client ratio

Social skills, hygiene skills, independent living skills training

Integrative care approach


1017 La Serenata Way

Nipomo, CA 93444

Phone: (805) 931-5997