Quest House is a structured 30 to 90 day residential Substance Use Disorder treatment facility. The program is a “live-in facility” with a focus on assisting individuals who are serious about recovery and living a sober lifestyle. Quest House provides intensive substance Use Disorder programming and requires all residents to participate in daily groups and activities. Length of stay is based on the individuals needs with reassessment occurring every 30 days. The program accepts adults with a primary substance use diagnosis, and supports individuals living with mild to moderate co-occurring disorders. Quest House is not a mental health facility, and does not provide mental health services. Mental Health treatment providers are welcomed and encouraged to coordinate with Quest House to provide outpatient-based mental health treatment for residents during their stay. Quest House is contracted by Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health and receives Drug Medi-Cal funding. Quest House is also contracted by California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to serve individuals on Parole.
Licensed/Certified by the Department of Health Care Services
Managing Anger & Conflict Resolution
Money/Time Management Relapse Prevention
A Framework for Breaking Barriers
Health Education
Life Skills Management
Residential Treatment
Individual Counseling
Psycho-Education Groups
Referrals accepted from probation, Department of Behavioral Health, Parole (through STOP program), and self-referrals. Call Quest House and schedule an appointment for screening with our intake specialist.
Individuals on parole must go through parole agent.
Quest House is funded by the Drug Medi-Cal Waiver through the Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse Division.
In order to be eligible the person must:
1) Have Medi-Cal or Medicare (or be eligible)
2) Resident of Fresno County
3) Meet medical necessity for Residential Substance Use Treatment
Quest House does not accept private insurance
Many individuals who successfully complete the program go back home to their family, or we assist in placing them in some type of sober living or transitional housing. Participants strengthen their recovery by continuing with NA/AA meetings and attending outpatient treatment. Many return to the workforce to become productive members of their communities, which reduces their risk of recidivism.
In his early 20’s, Anthony was already a former gang member who had been in and out of institutions since he was a juvenile; he was placed on AB109 probation. His substances of choice were meth and marijuana. With few healthy connections in his life, it made sense that he had a hard time opening up when he arrived at our facility. At first, he didn’t trust that we knew what life had been like for him, then he didn’t believe that we could help him. Meeting people who had been through similar challenges and overcome them gradually helped him to open up to staff and others. Eventually he came to understand the connection between his low view of himself, and growing up not being able to read. By the time he successfully completed 90 days, he was surprised to admit that he was feeling much more confident in himself. He said he was really going to do everything he could to not have to go back to prison and stay sober. Our staff helped him secure housing in a sober living home, and also linked him up with outpatient treatment. He recently entered a program that was going to help him get his high school diploma. He got a second chance at a life he could be proud of.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Motivational Interviewing (MI)
Relapse Prevention
Psycho- Education
Harm Reduction
Important Information:
To verify the licensing or certification status of this facility or program, or to check for any disciplinary actions, please visit the
California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) website. https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/provgovpart/SUD-LCR/Pages/SUS-REV-NOV.aspx
2731 W. Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93728
(559) 233-5096